Reusable Modules in Notion
Week 5: we're creating reusable modules in Notion to simplify creating new pages, layouts, and complete systems.
We’re becoming more proficient with creating useful components in Notion. But, how do we avoid having to recreate them all the time?
Reusable components or the Notion Tool Chest
We’re building on the powerful concepts of Templates we focused on Last week:
What is a Tool Chest?
The Tool Chest is simply a term for the powerful concept of having a library, or chest, of pre-fabricated modules ready for quick re-use.
This week’s episodes focus on:
Creating the actual tool chest
We use Notion’s Synced Block to enable sharing tools and modules across pages and databases.Our first tools
Dipping our toes, we create our first reusable tools. We start simple and enable creating animals quickly!Complex layouts
We already established that layouts can take time to recreate, so let’s add a few complex layouts to our tool chest! Not as easy as it seems - Notion likes to destroy layouts whenever possible. “Turn into page” to the rescue!Column layouts
Continuing from Day 3 we create column layouts. Here as well we use every trick in the book to make the layouts stay as we want them after reusing.Meetings notes
Meetings. Don’t you love them? Either way, the become infinitely better with some structure. Create a reusable meeting notes module and put it in your tool chest!Databases in the Tool Chest
Can you really put an entire Database inside the Tool Chest? Of course, you can! Whenever you duplicate your database module you’ll get a fresh, independent copy. Quite handy!Sharing one database in multiple instances
Even more powerful than having a database module is to have a module that when duplicated creates a window to a shared database. Watch carefully - the details in where things are put truly matter!
Video Playlist for this week’s episode
Each week has a playlist collecting the relevant episodes. Click below to start watching!
Until next time!
Thanks for making it this far, see you next time!
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