Have you been stuck with your old note-taking habits for years and simply been too comfortable to look around? It's not that it’s bad per se, it’s just a bit outdated, and oh sooo familiar.
No more! No more I say!
Introducing Notion, the note-taking app workspace for the new world. It’s not just a notebook where we can write our thoughts and ideas, but rather a powerful platform for whole teams to work together on projects, share tasks and discuss crucial decisions with others. Propelled by powerful components like workspaces, blocks, databases, and APIs. We’ll cover all of that in due time.
Great. Now we have a workspace. Fantastic.
But wait… Why do we want that? What is even a workspace? Let’s backtrack a bit.
Reaching new heights
So, I’m Notion Expert, and I have taken it upon myself to guide you from your current note-taking habits to becoming an expert in Notion in 100 days. Welcome!
Right about now you might have this one nagging questions:
Why am I the expert?
Somewhat counter-intuitively, I’m the expert after using Evernote every single day for over 10 years. It is wildly familiar; all my important thoughts and notes are already stored there and finding things is a breeze.
Yet, I’m not happy. I have for years longed for those lacking pieces - better formatting, more advanced features, and true collaboration. Simply more power. I was convinced that in time things would improve over time.
You might have a similar story with OneNote, or even just used Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or a Notebook and called it a day.
Why switch when something is working, kind of? Well, after 10 years I got tired of waiting!
Choosing the best platform
The battle is on! On one side Evernote, on the other every other note-taking platform: Notion, Roam, Obsidian, OneNote, xTiles, Keep, Notes, …, … The list goes on.
I won’t go into detail for all right now, just trust me that Notion is the perfect goldilocks platform for the majority of users. It is easy to get started with, similar enough to whatever you’re using today, and immensely powerful as you progress. I have spent countless hours and days researching, installing, testing, and building so you don’t have to.
Getting started
Since I promised we’d start from zero, let’s do that!
(and don’t worry, we’ll level up soon enough)
Navigate to Notion’s webpage
Click that big red button (notice that workspace word again)
Fill in some details, or use one of the SSO services
Until next time
Well done for making it this far, you are well on your way to becoming a Notion Expert. I will post long-form content like this article periodically, and aim to post new short-form content daily on. Follow along to level up your skills at:
Twitter: @Pro_Notion
Youtube: Notion Expert
Articles: Notion Expert at Substack